Mumbai, 11/11: Kangana Ranaut has recently been honored with the Padma Shri award. This award was given to him at a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. After receiving the award, he has expressed his happiness. With this, he has also disclosed about his family planning. She said that she wants to get married and become a mother in the next five years. In a new interview, he also revealed that he is personally very happy. Very soon she will reveal her partner and will share other information related to her relationship.
Kangana Ranaut, while giving an interview to Times Now, answered a question about where she sees herself five years from now. She said, “I definitely want to get married and have kids. I see myself after five years as a mother and as a wife.” He has also given a hint of his partner in the interview. She said that she is going to marry a man who is actively working on the vision of New India.
In the interview with Kangana Ranaut, it was also asked whether she is working on the project of becoming a mother and wife in five years? Kangana replied with a laugh, “Yes.” Then Kangana was asked about her partner and she said, “You will know soon.” When asked if he is happy in the relationship, he said, “Yes, of course,” to which he did not react and added that you will know very soon.
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