Doctor performs vagina-lift surgery on patient without consent, faces lawsuit

In a shocking discovery by a woman, a doctor had performed a vagina lift surgery on her without her permission or knowledge. The doctor has been identified as David Pincus, said reports. The woman further alleged that the doctor forced her to call him ‘daddy’ and sexually assaulted her. According to reports, several lawsuits have been filed for malpractice and sexual harassment against the doctor. He lives in a huge mansion in Long Island and drives a super luxury car. Several employees have claimed that he indulges in sexually harassing them on a regular basis. An employee has claimed that he grabs her boobs, pinches them and asks her to flash and makes her forcibly sit on his lap. The patient o whom he had performed that vagina-lift surgery claims that she wanted a tummy tuck surgery whereas the doctor performed a mons-lift, something that she had never heard off. The patient further claimed that he told her that her vagina was too low and that needed to be fixed hence he performed the surgery. He also told her that he would be delighted to take her home with him. However the doctor refuted all these claims and said that he is great at his job. He has a number of satisfied clients and that he is highly rated by all his patients. He further claimed that the woman wants false publicity and to extort money.

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