New Coronavirus SOP for International passengers from UK

New Delhi, 22/12(AO Bureau ): Successful vaccine news gave a new ray of hope to the world after a year’s battle with the Coronavirus. But now news of Corona’s new strain in the United Kingdom (UK) has once again frightened people. The Union Health Ministry has issued the SOP in reference to a new version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus found in the United Kingdom.

In fact, in view of the new strain of Corona, the Union Ministry of Health has issued a standard operating procedure for epidemiological surveillance and response in the context of the new version of the virus.

The Government should ensure that the RT PCR test is done for the passengers coming from UK. If found positive, get spike gene-based RT-PCR done with a test lab.

Passengers who are found positive should be kept separate in the Institutional Isolation Facility. There should be a separate arrangement for this. Send samples of them to the National Institute of Virology Pune or to a lab and get genomic sequencing done.

If it is reported that the virus with infection is the same, which is already there in India, then treatment should be done under treatment protocol in India. If not severe, treatment should be done at home isolation or facility level.

At the same time, genomic sequencing is found that if SARS-CoV-2 is the new variant, then the patient will remain in a separate isolation unit. Treatment will be done according to protocol. RT PCR test will be done again after 14 days of being positive. If the sample is found positive on the 14th day, further sampling can be taken until the two consecutive 24-hour-separated samples have been tested negatively.