Coronavirus new strain danger looms large over Meerut

Meerut, 26/12 (AO Bureau): The new strain of Coronavirus is creating havoc in all over the world. Corona infection was confirmed in 3 people from London in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. All three of these may be at risk of a new strain of corona virus. It is being told that all three came back from London on December 14 and are members of the same family. The Health Department fears that it may also be an infection of strain-2. The government has asked for samples to be sent to Delhi to examine strain-2 in all three patients. Along with this, the infected family is isolated and kept under the supervision of the Health Department.

According to the information, the couple who came from London to Meerut and the child have been found corona positive. The report of the young man’s parents and sister-in-law has also come back positive. Not only this, but 9 people from the neighborhood have also been found infected with the virus. This is threatening the new strain of coronavirus.

The central government had reported 44 passengers arriving from Europe after December 9 to Meerut. Of this, 12 have gone to other parts of the country from here. The Coronavirus report of 15 of the 32 was received on Friday night. There have been positive reports of three people from the same family coming from London.
A suspect was also found in Agra