India will send 2 Crores of Coronavirus vaccine to neighboring countries

New Delhi, 15/1 (AO bureau): India has allowed two indigenous Coronavaccines to use emergency. After the approval of the vaccine, Covid-19 Vaccination is starting from January 16 across the country. At the same time, the world also has high hopes from India regarding the corona vaccine. Many countries are demanding the supply of Corona vaccine from India.

According to a Bloomberg report, the Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech International Limited vaccines will be sent to India’s neighboring countries of Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Seychelles, and Mauritius. India will supply 20 million doses of vaccine to its neighbors. Some countries will be given free vaccine Experts say that the plan to send vaccines to neighboring countries is still under discussion. The vaccine can also be supplied free of cost to some countries, so that neighboring countries can be helped. He said that the first batch of Corona vaccine will be sent in the next two weeks. After giving the vaccine to the neighboring countries, the Indian government will supply vaccines to the countries of Latin America, Africa, and the former Soviet republics.