PM urges Farmers to end protest

New Delhi, 8/2 (AO Bureau) : Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the House on the discussion on the motion of thanks at the President’s address in the Rajya Sabha and spoke on the need for farmers and agricultural legislation. Prime Minister Modi said that all the governments that have come so far benefit big farmers but small farmers are always deprived of that benefit. The Prime Minister also assured the farmers once again that MSP was, is, and will continue to be.

While speaking in the House, PM Modi said that even when Lal Bahadur Shastri ji was taking initiative for agricultural reforms, he had to face difficulties. But he did not back down. At that time, the Left used to call Congress an agent of America, today they are abusing me. PM said that any law has come, reforms happen after some time. PM Modi assured the farmers that MSP is, was, and will remain. PM Modi told the House that work is being done to strengthen the mandis through this law. He said that there is no need to get seduced by anyone. Eighty million people are given cheap ration, that too will continue.