Imran Khan won trust vote in Pakistan

Islamabad, 6/3(AO Bureau):  In a major development, Imran Khan’s government has won the vote of confidence. in Pakistan.  178 votes were cast in favor of Imran. Khan needed the support of 171 MPs in the National Assembly. The House currently has 340 members out of a total of 342 members and two seats are vacant. Khan’s PTI has 157 MPs while the opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has 83 members and the Pakistan Peoples Party has 55 MPs. The opposition coalition opposed this vote of confidence. Therefore, no member of the opposition attended the session of the National Assembly.

Imran Khan was the second Prime Minister in the history of Pakistan to declare the trust vote himself. Earlier in 1993, Nawaz Sharif himself took the initiative regarding the trust vote. Please tell that Imran Khan was accused of corruption. After Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Sheikh’s defeat in the Senate elections, Imran announced the vote of confidence.