COVID-19 Outbreak: 3498 patients died in last 24 hours

New Delhi,30/4 (Ao Bureau): The growing cases of Corona in the country have created a ruckus. Every day new case records of Corona are being made. Due to the increasing Corona case in the country, the problem of beds and oxygen in hospitals is increasing. A record 3 lakh 86 thousand 452 new patients have come up in the last 24 hours. So far, this figure is the highest for new patients received within a day. Earlier, on April 28, the maximum number of 3.79 lakh patients was identified.


The number of people who died from Kovid-19 is also increasing in the growing case of Corona. In the last 24 hours, 3498 patients died. This is the third consecutive day when more than three thousand people have died. On the previous day, 2 lakh 97 thousand 540 people also recovered. There are 31 lakh 70 thousand 228 active cases in the country. Due to the increasing cases of corona, India has now reached the second place in the world. America has the highest number of active cases at 6.8 million.


According to the Health Ministry data, 1 crore 87 lakh 62 thousand 976 people have been infected with Corona so far in the country. So far, 1 crore 53 lakh 84 thousand 418 people have been cured of this virus infection. The death toll from this virus has increased to 2 lakh 8 thousand 330.