Now you have to take second dose of Covishield after 12-16 week

New Delhi, 13/5 (AO Bureau):Vaccination is being given priority in the country in view of covid infection. So now the emphasis is on getting a second dose of the vaccine after the first dose. Meanwhile, a team of experts from the state government is considering extending the timeframe between the two doses of Covishield vaccine, which is being jointly developed by Oxford-AstraZenica and the Serum Institute. The National Vaccination Technical Adviser, or NTGI, has recommended extending the timeframe between two doses of COVID vaccine against COVID for 12 to 16 weeks. In this regard, the adviser said, the option to vaccinate pregnant women should be taken out.

The NTGI also recommends that those who are already infected with the coronary gland should not be vaccinated within six months of recovery. The NTGI recommends that vaccines be given only six months later. Currently, the vaccine is given in four to eight months. Now all these suggestions from the NTGI have been forwarded to the national team of Covid experts.