“3 crore 80 lakh vaccinations in 4 months is the target”: Chief Secretary Suresh Mohapatra

Bhubaneswar, 15/5 (AO Bureau):The state will soon be short of vaccines. For some reason, Odisha will buy 3.8 million vaccines from the global market with the help of the global tender process. “The global tender process has been called for, and the state government will buy the vaccine on the 28th,” Chief Secretary Suresh Mohapatra said.

On the other hand, the company will provide the vaccine to Odisha in the next six months. The tender process is said to be open to any company from any corner of the world. Thus the proposal was passed at the last cabinet meeting. On the other hand, according to the Chief Secretary, the positive rate is stable in some districts of the state due to the lockdown and infections are declining in some other districts. So if we strictly follow the Covid rule for another 10 to 15 days, we will be able to prevent the infection. “Everyone should keep the mask and social distance as before, and kill the virus,” he said.

Due to the lockdown, the infection rate is stable in the districts of western Odisha, while the positive rate in some districts is declining. So people need to be careful now. He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: “One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure … there are going to be some difficult decisions for government”. Similarly, the Chief Secretary also gave important information in the Presidency on vaccination.

In addition, the state government has set up an advisory committee on immunization and vaccination. The team of experts on the committee will inform and advise the state government in this regard. The chief minister also suggested that the team advise the state government on how to deal with the state government in the coming days.