Delhi to unlock from today with some restrictions

New Delhi, 31/5 (Ao Bureau)After the weakening of the second wave of Coronavirus in the country’s capital Delhi, the process of unlocking is starting from today ie 31 May. Whereas in the first week of the unlock process, only factory and construction have been allowed after about 40 days of lockdown. However, the Corona curfew will remain in force till June 7 at 5 am for the Delhi Metro as well as malls, weekly markets and non-essential services.


In Delhi, from today onwards, it is necessary to take e-passes for the movement of workers and employees while allowing the operation of manufacturing units within closed premises and construction activities within the work sites in the approved industrial areas. Please tell that their contractors, factory owners will have to apply for e-pass for employees and laborers. At the same time, the order of DDMA states that only workers and employees with no symptoms will be allowed at the workplace. All district magistrates shall ensure social distancing with regular RT-PCR/RAT testing of adequate number of random people at these construction units and construction sites.