Shocking: Black fungus is infecting children

Mumbai, 18/6: The second wave of corona infection in the country may seem to be weakening, but the risk of black fungus is increasing rapidly. The danger of black fungus can be gauged from the fact that even the eyes of three children have to be removed in the financial capital of the country, Mumbai. Let us inform that in Maharashtra, complaints of black fungus have also been found in children of 4 to 16 years. After seeing the rapidly increasing cases of black fungus in children, doctors are also seen upset.


Talking on the increasing cases of black fungus, Dr. Jaisal Shah, Senior Consultant-Pediatrician of Fortis Hospital said that in the second wave of corona, many children in Maharashtra were infected with the infection. Black fungus is now being seen in children who have been cured of corona. Black fungus was found in two girls who came to the hospital for treatment. When both of them came to us, within 48 hours one of her eyes had turned black.