Two Indian cricket team players tested corona positive

New Delhi, 15/7: The shadow of Corona is hovering over the India and England Test series (India vs England). Two players of Team India (Ind vs Eng) who went on the tour of England were found to be corona test positive. Although the report of one player has come negative while the other is still in isolation. According to reports, there are no symptoms of corona in the player living in isolation. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has not yet disclosed the names of both the players. After the final of the World Test Championship, the BCCI had given 20 days leave to the players and staff of Team India. During this, players were allowed to go anywhere in England. Some players also went to see the match of Euro Cup and Wimbledon.


It is being told that both the players who were found positive were seen in crowded areas a few days ago. Let us inform that Team India has got the second dose of Corona vaccine to all the players in England only a few days ago. According to the report, both the players who were found positive had mild symptoms like chills, cough. After coming positive, a player has been found negative in the second test, while the second player’s test will be done on 18 July. According to sources, soon after the negative report comes, that player will also join the camp of the rest of the team.