Should schools, colleges be opened or not? so how? You send your suggestions to the Delhi government

New Delhi, 28/7 (AO Bureau):5 lakh parents have gone to meet the teachers so far and everyone’s desire was to open schools, but at the same time there is a fear in everyone’s mind whether this step will be right!’ This was stated by the Deputy CM Manish Sisodia in the Delhi government through a press conference, in which he sought suggestions from Delhiites regarding the opening of schools and colleges in Delhi. Giving an email address, Sisodia said that any student, teacher or parents of students can send their message to the Delhi government by email.

In a press conference, Sisodia said that the Delhi government is positive about the opening of schools. He said, ‘But, before the government takes any decision at its level, it is important to know what people think about it.’ According to Sisodia, during the PTM i.e. Parent Teacher Meeting, he saw curiosity in the minds of parents and teachers. Everyone wants schools to open, but how? Everyone has either suggestions or fears regarding this matter.


Give your suggestion in 100 words
Sisodia said that 70 to 75 thousand Kovid tests are being done daily in Delhi and between 40 and 60 new cases are being received daily. With this figure, Sisodia said that it can be assumed that the situation of infection is under control. In this situation, the exercise of opening schools, colleges can be started. You can email your suggestions to the Delhi government at and write your point of view in 100 words.