SC accepts petition on pegasus spyware

New Delhi, 30/7: The petition filed in the Supreme Court regarding the Pegasus spyware case has been accepted. It is reported that the matter can be heard next week. The matter was raised before the bench of Chief Justice NV Ramana on Friday, on which the Chief Justice said that he would hear the matter next week.

Supreme Court lawyer Kapil Sibal raised the matter before the bench of Chief Justice NV Ramana on Friday. He referred to the petition filed by N Ram, former chief editor of The Hindu and Shashi Kumar (director ACJ), founder of Asianet. It has been demanded in the petition that the investigation of this entire matter should be conducted under the supervision of a sitting or retired judge of the Supreme Court under the supervision of the court. After getting information about the petition, the Chief Justice said that he would hear the matter next week.

Recently some reports claimed that India’s opposition leaders, union ministers and journalists have been spied through the Israeli spyware Pegasus. The petition said that investigations involving several leading publications around the world revealed that over 142 individuals in India were identified as potential targets of surveillance using Pegasus spyware from Israeli firm NSO.