Chief Minister wished everyone’s cooperation in keeping Odisha safe.

Bhubaneswar, 4/8:Scientists and experts have warned of a third wave. The third wave is on the rise in many parts of the world. The Chief Minister has therefore warned that in such a situation any loophole in the observance of the Kovid rule could be serious. In a message to the people of the state today, Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik said that there is a large crowd in some markets after the floods. This is very dangerous. “It simply came to our notice then. Before we know it, the infection can be exacerbated. So the government is keeping a close eye on the situation. The Chief Minister warned that if the government felt that the people were not following the Covid rules properly, the government would be forced to declare a complete lockdown once again.

The chief minister said the war was not over yet. Covid cases are on the rise in other states of the country. Infections in Bhubaneswar are stable. Odisha is slowly becoming obsessed with both life and livelihood. But the danger is far from over. The coronavirus is still around us, and it has the power to disguise and attack seriously. So the Chief Minister has urged everyone to wear masks and maintain social distance. Only then can we reduce the intensity of the third wave.

“We saw in the second wave that the corona virus did not leave anyone,” he said. Everyone from adults to children is infected. “It simply came to our notice then. But the chief minister warned that even if vaccinated, there is a risk of infecting oneself or infecting others. “As we have seen in other states in the second wave, the situation is not the same in Odisha,” he said. “Odisha is in a good position today because of the hard work of our doctors and health workers.” Doctors are working day and night to protect us. So we have to be respectful of their sacrifices and use them responsibly.

“The decision is now in your hands,” he said. Life is priceless. Only our responsible behavior can prevent the third wave. The Chief Minister therefore sought the cooperation of all to keep Odisha safe. “Take care of the safety of your loved ones and help ensure that their livelihoods move forward safely,” the chief minister said.