Chandrayaan-2′ has detected the presence of water molecules on the Moon.

New Delhi,12/8: India’s second lunar mission ‘Chandrayaan-2’ has detected the presence of water molecules on the Moon. This has been revealed from the data obtained during the mission. In a research paper written in collaboration with AS Kiran Kumar, former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), it has been said that the instruments in ‘Chandrayaan-2’ also have an instrument named ‘Imaging Infrared Spectrometer’ (IIRS). Global scientists are working on a polar orbit of 100 km to obtain the data.



The paper, published in the journal ‘Current Science’, said, “The initial data from IIRS shows widespread hydration and presence of unmixed hydroxyl (OH) and water (H2O) molecules on the Moon between latitudes 29°N and 62°N.” is clearly visible.”



It states that plagioclase-rich rocks have been found to contain more OH (hydroxyl) or possibly H2O (water) molecules than in the dark plains of the Moon. ‘Chandrayaan-2’ may not have yielded the desired results, but this development related to it matters a lot.