Another BJP leader shot dead in Kashmir, terrorists who targeted 21 in 2 years

Sri Nagar, 17/8:In Jammu and Kashmir, another BJP leader (BJP Leader Killed) has been shot dead by terrorists. In the last two years, terrorists have so far targeted BJP leaders-workers. In Brajlu area of ​​Kulgam district of South Kashmir, BJP leader Javid Ahmed Dar was killed by terrorists by entering his house. Till now, the organization named The Resistance Front (TRF) has taken responsibility for most of such cases. According to the police, this organization is being run by Lashkar-e-Taiba.


After the killing of Dar, the police and CRPF have sealed the area. The search for terrorists is on. Dar was in-charge of Kulgam’s Homshalibagh assembly. The Bharatiya Janata Party has condemned the incident. Kashmir BJP’s media cell head Manzoor Ahmed has condemned the killing of Javid.



There are constant attacks on BJP leaders

Earlier on Thursday, terrorists attacked the house of BJP’s Mandal head Jasvir Singh in Rajouri with a grenade. At the same time, a few days ago in Anantnag, a BJP leader and his wife were murdered. In the attack in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district, a BJP leader and his wife were riddled with bullets.



Omar Abdullah condemned

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and National Conference leader Omar Abdullah has described the incident as horrific. He called it ‘cold blooded murder’. Condemning the attack, Abdullah expressed his condolences to the bereaved family of Javid Ahmed Dar.