Taliban may expect relief from UN

New Delhi, 21/8: The Taliban completely occupied Afghanistan on 15 August and now after the arrival of Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul, the Taliban have intensified the exercise to form the government. Along with ruling the entire country, the Taliban now expect relief from the United Nations Security Council. Let us tell you that the names of many Taliban leaders are still present on the banned list of the Security Council.



Names of 135 Taliban leaders on sanction list

According to the formal list of the United Nations Security Council, there are 135 Taliban leaders in the list of 1988 Sanctions Committee. The list includes the name of Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, as well as the name of Sirajuddin Haqqani of the Haqqani network. It is being told that the leaders of the Haqqani network can also be included in the new Afghan government. The Haqqani network works on the behest of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI.



According to the information given on the website of the Security Council, on 23 February 2001, Abdul Ghani Baradar was included in the banned list of 1988. At that time he was the deputy defense minister of the Taliban regime. Baradar was then the senior commander of the Taliban army and a senior member of the Taliban leadership. He was considered close to the then head of the Taliban, Mohammad Mullah Omar. Baradar, with the support of then Taliban Defense Minister Ubaidullah Akhundyar Mohamed, conducted Taliban operations against the Afghan government and international security forces. The banned list includes five groups linked to the Taliban, including the Haqqani network, which was included on June 29, 2012.