Robots to serve food in China quarantine centers

Beijing, 30/9: On one hand, the rules of Covid-19 are being relaxed around the world and many countries are now opening borders to welcome foreigners. On the contrary, the Chinese government is preparing to strictly implement the zero-covid strategy in its country. The latest case is of Guangzhou City, where China has built a center of 5000 quarantine rooms at a cost of $ 260 million. It is estimated that a large number of foreigners may come to its country in the coming days.

According to a CNN report, three-story buildings with brown roofs have been built in the traditional Chinese style. Its size is equal to 46 football fields. It took just less than three months to build this center on the outskirts of the city.

It will replace the hotels in Guangzhou City where foreigners and travelers coming from other parts of the country were earlier staying. The main objective of this center is to reduce the increasing cases of Kovid.