100 crore vaccination target accomplished, know how India has achieved such a big milestone

New Delhi, 21/10:The country has created a new history in front of the world by achieving the target of 100 crore vaccination today. The campaign, which began on January 16 this year, has now proved to be a milestone after facing several hurdles in the form of initial hesitations, cold chain hurdles and a devastating second wave of the pandemic. On this special occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has congratulated the citizens of the country and the health workers who played an important role in achieving this goal.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, ‘India created history, we are witnessing the victory of Indian science, enterprise and the collective spirit of 130 crore Indians. Congratulations to India on crossing 100 crore vaccinations. Thank you to our doctors, nurses and everyone who worked to achieve this feat.


Phased Vaccination
Vaccination was started from 16 January across the country. Health workers were placed first in the priority of vaccine in the country. The health worker who treated the corona patients throughout the day was first given the corona vaccine. After this, corona vaccine was given to people above 60 years of age and more than 45 years of age seriously ill from March 1.