OMICRON to bring 3rd Coronavirus wave in India!

Bangalore,3/12:After cases of Omicron infection were reported in Karnataka on Thursday, now India has also joined the list of countries where new variants of Covid are infected. The World Health Organization has termed this variant of Kovid as the most infectious variant of concern. Now the Union Health Ministry has released a list of questions that are frequently asked. The government has appealed to the people not to panic about Omicron.



In India, one patient infected with Omicron is 66 years old while the other is 46 years old. One of them is a South African citizen while the other is a local doctor. Regarding Omicron infection, a member of the Kovid Task Force said that at this time it can be dealt with through vaccination, genome sequencing and vigilance in travel rules.


There are about 12 such airports in the country where flights are coming from high-risk countries. Compulsory testing of passengers coming from here is being done. Along with this, strict arrangements have been made at Delhi and Mumbai airports for screening of passengers coming from countries included in the list of ‘risk’.