NTPC Darlipali celebrates World Environment Day with Plantation Drive

NTPC Darlipali celebrates World Environment Day with Plantation Drive

Darlipali : In a bid to promote awareness about environment, World Environment Day (WED) 2022 was celebrated at NTPC Darlipali on the theme “Only One Earth”.  Shri A K Tandon, GGM (NTPC Darlipali) administered the environment day pledge in the august presence of GMs, HODs, employees, CISF, members of the ladies club and residents of Shubhrajyoti Township.

40 girls participating under Girl Empowerment Mission (GEM) workshop also joined in the program and planted saplings along with the senior officials and employees.

The theme for World Environment Day this year is “Only One Earth”, with focus on “living sustainably in harmony with nature”.

On the occasion, GGM (Darlipali) emphasized upon environment protection & encouraged everyone to participate in plantation drives and also urged everyone to take initiatives in keeping the environment clean and green.

To further create awareness on World environment day, massive plantation drive  was carried out in the township premises along  with several competitionsunderlining the theme of World Environment Day “Only One Earth” and the winners were awarded on the occasion.