Tata Steel Meramandali conducts Onsite Emergency Mock Drill

Dhenknal :  To enhance its safety preparedness, Tata Steel Meramandali (TSM)conducted an Emergency Mock Drill in the presence of District Crisis Group (DCG) members of Dhenkanal in its plant premises. Er. Puspamitra Jena, Assistant Director, Factories & Boiler, Dhenkanal Zone, Dr Anup Mallick, Regional Officer, State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), Angul Zone, Soumendra Mohanty, Environment Engineer, SPCB, Angul Zone, Sumanta K Khumari, Assistant Fire Officer, Dhenkanal and other members of DCG from different industries of Dhenkanal and senior executives of Tata Steel Meramandali were present.

The emergency mock drill was done on hazardous scenario “Fire in BTX Storage area of Coke Oven-2”. Different teams formed as per the Onsite Emergency Preparedness Plan (OSEP), demonstrated their expertise to mitigate the emergency. Amar Bountra, Chief, Coke Oven-2, Pushpendra Kumar, Head, Coke Oven-2, TSM participated as key personnel as per the OSEP. It was organized by safety department of the steel major under the guidance of Agam Kumar, Chief Safety and Kumar Varun, Head, Process Safety.

Er Jena appreciated TSM management for an amazing demonstration of emergency preparedness and gave valuable suggestions for further improvement. Dr Mallick advised to demonstrate such effectiveness in real time emergencies also. Representatives from other industries like Nava Bharat,  Jindal Steel & Power Limited, GMR, Angul Energy Limited also shared their valuable feedbacks to take safety preparedness to greater heights.