All India NCC Yachting Regatta held at INS Chilika .

The All India NCC Yachting Regatta was conducted from 09- 15 Nov 22 at Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre at INS Chilka.The Deputy Director General of Odisha Commodore Somen Banerjee was the Chief Guest and Brig Nischal Sood, Brig (Trg) from DG NCC graced the closing ceremony.

102 Cadets both boys and girls from 17 Directorates representing all the states of our country participated whole heartedly in the Regatta. There were total 51 SD (boys) and 51 SW (girls) cadets who participated in the event. Swimming test was conducted for all cadets. The Championship was conducted as per the international sailing rules. Daring Wind & Waves for last seven days 30 races were fought in true sportsman sprit in this picturesque arena in the backdrop of Kalijai to arrive at conclusion to decide the winners. All cadets displayed highest degree of proficiency in sailing. In the competition, NCC Directorates of Bihar and Jharkhand, Odisha and Tamilnadu were first, second and third respectively in the girls category; and Tamilnadu, Odisha and Maharshtra were first, second and third in the boys category. The Directorates of Odisha and Tamilnadu were the joint winners of the competition followed by Maharashtra.

The Odisha team comprised of 06 Cadets namely Swadhin Rana, Amiya Ranjan Naik, Ajay Kisan, Linarani Gangadev, B Santilata Patra and Arpita Behera. The complete Regatta was successfully co- ordinated by Commander Sunil Kumar Behera, Commanding Officer 4 (0) NCC Bhawanipatna under the guidance of Colonel Amitabh Roy, SM, Group Commander, Sambalpur. The Dy Director General Odisha, Commodore Somen Banerjee, congratulated the team and also thanked Commodore NP Pradeep, Commanding Officer INS Chilka for providing all the necessary support for smooth conduct of the event.