Chilika, 23/5:The Tangi police have arrested a contractor for allegedly withdrawing Rs 15 lakh from a bank by forging the signature of Tangi BDO.
The contractor has been identified as Kishore Behera, the husband of Chilika Block Chairman Jyotshna Behera . Reportedly, Kishore won some tenders in Tangi block recently . For which he had deposited Rs 15 lakh in the name of Tangi BDO in a bank as per the tender guidelines.
After the work was done according to the rules, Kishore would have collected the deposit money as per the instructions of BDO . But before starting the work, Kishore allegedly withdrew the money by forging the signature of BDO. Hence, Tangi BDO had filed a written report at Tangi police station on May 20. Since then, the police have continued to investigate the matter and arrested the accused on Tuesday.