International Yoga Day Celebrated at IMFA Therubali

Therubali, June 21 in, 2024 — International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at IMFA Therubali today. The event was led by Sri.Ashis Kumar Roy,the Vice President & EIC, who emphasized the importance of yoga in promoting physical and mental well-being. 


Executives and their family members actively participated in the event, making it a vibrant and inclusive celebration. The session included various yoga exercises and meditation techniques aimed at fostering a sense of community and encouraging a healthy lifestyle among employees and their families.


Mr.Roy , in his address, highlighted the significance of yoga in reducing stress and enhancing productivity. He urged everyone to incorporate yoga into their daily routines for a balanced and harmonious life.Since long every day yoga classes are held under the guidance of Mr.Roy.


The event concluded with a vote of thanks and a pledge to make yoga a regular part of life. Participants expressed their gratitude for the initiative, which not only promoted wellness but also strengthened the bond among the IMFA family.


International Yoga Day at IMFA Therubali was a resounding success, reinforcing the company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees and their families.