Investiture ceremony celebrated in Adani DAV public school

Dhamra, 03.07.2024: The ‘Investiture Ceremony’ held on 2nd July 2024 in Adani DAV Public School marked a pivotal moment in the academic calendar. The program began with a welcome song. On the occasion of this ceremony, Master Srimanta Mandal, Miss Koyal Maity, students of Class-XII, were declared as the Head Boy and the Head Girl respectively. The Captains, Vice-Captains and Prefects of Ganga House, Yamuna House, Kaveri House and Mahanadi House were nominated too. Sanuj Kumar Jena conducted the program and delivered the welcome address. Rajiblaxmi Mishra and Tasnim Kausar assisted in the management of the program. The Principal of the school, Mrs. Krishnapriya Sarangi congratulated the leaders in the Students’ Council by honouring them with sashes and badges and let them solemnly take an oath, pledging to fulfill their duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity and integrity. Moreover; she donated all leaders with a sapling to plant, take care and bring an exemplary change in society. All leaders presented their acceptance speech and claimed towards working for the welfare of the students and the school on the whole. At the end, Rajiblaxmi Mishra offered the vote of thanks