Sambalpuri Day Celebrated at JSWBPSL, Sambalpur Works

Sambalpur  : Sambalpuri Day was celebrated by employees of JSWBPSL, Sambalpur Works with vibrantethnic attires, traditional rhythms and festive cheer along with the Sambalpuri Culture,
Language & Tradition. The event, which has become a cherished tradition, showcased the rich
cultural heritage of Sambalpur and highlighted the company’s commitment towards celebrating
diverse culture.
The celebration started on arrival of the Chief Guest, Mrs. Neelam Singh, First Lady & President
of Aakanksha Ladies Club, JSWBPSL. In her address Mrs. Singh appreciated JSWBPSL's
efforts in promoting local culture & traditions. The celebration was also attended by dignified
guests, Mrs. Sandhyarani Nepak, District Social Welfare Officer, Sambalpur, Mrs. Bharati Besra,
District. Project Co-ordinator, Mission Shakti, Sambalpur, Mrs. Jagyaseni Mishra, Section
Officer, Social Welfare department & Mrs. Abanti Nayak, Sarpanch, Thelkoloi Gram panchayat.
The celebration featured a series of captivating cultural programs performed by the company
employees. The stage came alive with traditional Sambalpuri dance performances and soulful
songs that enthralled the audience and created an atmosphere of joy and unity with deep
appreciation for their cultural roots. Adding to the day's a grand traditional lunch delighted
everyone's taste buds.
The Sambalpuri Day celebration was a resounding success, fostering a sense of community
and cultural pride among the JSWBPSL family.