GMR Energy subsidiaries win Big at CII Energy Awards

Bhubaneswar, Sept 24, 2024: Two major power plants of GMR Power and Urban Infrastructure Limited (GPUIL) – GMR Kamalanga Energy Limited (GKEL), and GMR Warora Energy Limited (GWEL) – have been honoured with the National Award for Excellence in Energy Management, by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

 GWEL won the award for National Award for Excellence in Energy Management for 8 time (7th Consecutive time) and Emerged as National Energy Leader for 5th Consecutive time. In the Same event, GKEL received  Best Energy Efficient Unit recognition.  The 25th National Award Ceremony, organized by CII, saw participation from over 570 leading industries across the country. The CII-Energy Efficient Unit Award recognises exceptional performance in energy efficiency and environmental protection, highlighting GMR Group’s commitment to sustainable energy management.

 GWEL received this award for sustained energy savings over a period of 3 years which includes , saving of 850 lakh KWH of electrical energy innovative solutions and advanced technologies. GKEL’s presentation, which won the Most Useful Presentation Award, showcased its initiatives for reducing raw water consumption in its power plant.  Both the plants efforts underscores the company’s innovations in energy conservation and its forward-thinking roadmap towards achieving benchmarks in the power sector, all while aligning with India’s national emission reduction targets.

 Speaking on the achievement, Ashis Basu, CEO of GMR Energy, said, “Winning the CII Energy Efficient Unit Award is a testament to our relentless pursuit of operational excellence and sustainability in the sector. This recognition reinforces our commitment to setting new benchmarks in energy management and reducing our environmental footprint. I extend my sincere appreciation to our entire team for their unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence, which has made this success possible.”


GKEL is a 1050 MW (3X350 MW) coal based power plant located in Kamalanga Village, Dhenkanal district is strategically located close to the coal belt. It has long term Power Purchase Agreements with GRIDCO (Odisha), Uttar and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigams, (UHBVNL & DHBVNL), Bihar State Electricity Board and a medium term PPA with TNEB.

 The 600 MW (2X300 MW) coal based power plant of GMR Warora Energy Limited is located in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, near the industrial belt and high growth oriented western region.. Connected to PGCIL Sub-station for power evacuation, GWEL is fully tied up under long term PPA for 200 MW each with Dadar & Nagar Haveli Power Distribution Corporation Limited (DNHPDCL), Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) and 150 MW with Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO). It is the first plant to get SA 8000:2014 certification for Social Accountability  


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