TPCODL Intensifies Efforts Against Electricity Theft to Ensure Reliable Power Supply

Bhubaneswar, September 24, 2024: TP Central Odisha Distribution Limited (TPCODL) a joint
venture of Tata Power and Government of Odisha, has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to curbing
electricity theft in its operational areas as part of its mission to enhance service quality and maintain
competitive tariffs for its consumers. The company's enforcement team, in collaboration with its engineering
wing, is actively conducting inspections and taking strict action against those involved in electricity theft.
In a recent operation in the Puri Electrical Division, TPCODL found a case of electricity theft in a hotel. The
hotel had tampered its electricity meter, breaking the meter body seal and cutting the back of the meter,
which was later reattached with glue to mask the tampering. This allowed the hotel to illicitly manage a load
of 80 kW on a daily basis. As a result, TPCODL has raised an assessment of Rs 26.33 lakh for the stolen
electricity. Company has lodged FIR against the erring consumer.
Over the past two years, TPCODL has detected more than 30 similar cases in hotels across the region. High-
intensity power thieves, such as these, have been placed under close surveillance as part of the company’s
zero-tolerance approach to electricity theft.
TPCODL remains steadfast in protecting the interests and rights of its honest consumers. Electricity theft not
only causes financial losses for the utility but also creates an unfair divide between "honest" and "dishonest"
consumers, leading to social unrest among those who follow the rules. By continuing its efforts to combat
power pilferage, TPCODL aims to ensure a level playing field for all consumers.
"At TPCODL, addressing electricity theft is a priority," shared Mr. Arvind Singh, CEO, TPCODL. "It not
only impacts the utility financially but also disrupts the sense of fairness within the community. Those who
follow the rules may feel disheartened by the actions of a few and we aim to foster a more balanced and
respectful environment for everyone."
The company reiterates its commitment to taking action against those involved in electricity theft under the
Indian Electricity Act 2003. Under Section 135 of the Act, individuals involved in tampering with meters,
making unauthorized connections, or misusing electricity can face imprisonment of up to three years, fines,
or both.
TPCODL encourages responsible citizens to report electricity theft via WhatsApp at 9437158670, through
the TPCODL website, mobile app, or by emailing Informants who
provide credible information will be suitably rewarded by the company.
In the current financial year, TPCODL has booked a load of 35 MW through its rigorous efforts to combat
electricity theft. The company remains steadfast in its mission to safeguard the interests of law-abiding
consumers and will continue taking strict measures to prevent theft and ensure a fair and reliable power
supply for all.

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