Bone marrow transplantation performed on a 65-year-old in KIMS Hospital

Bhubaneswar: In a life-saving move, the department of Haematology of Bhubaneswar based KIMS hospital have done a bone marrow transplant on Saturday.Bone marrow transplantation surgery was performed on Jamini Krushna Patnaik aged 65 years of Nayagarh. After getting infected by a disease she had lost her ability to walk. She was undergoing treatment for a prolonged time in KIMS hospital.After her bone marrow transplantation, she is in a stable condition and is thankful to the team of doctors for the successful surgery. In bone marrow transplantation, cells are taken from the bone marrow (called stem cells), filtered and then given back either to the donor or to another person so that the healthy cells multiply and the diseased cells lose their ability.