Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, two of India’s most iconic cricketing stars fell out of form in the Test format and have been worrying for their career in the same format after showing miserable performances against Australia in Border-Gavaskar Trophy. In light of this, former India coach Ravi Shastri has offered some straightforward advice. He said, “go back to domestic cricket”.“If there’s a gap for them (Kohli and Rohit), I think they should go back and play some domestic cricket and see how it is,” Shastri said. “When you play Test match cricket for that length of time, it’s important to play domestic cricket for two reasons, you’re abreast with the current generation and you can contribute to that younger generation with your experience.”Shastri also emphasized the need to play domestic cricket to regain their touch in playing spin. “More importantly, you get to play spin more than you will ever play. So if you see India as recorded, India on turning tracks is not the greatest. If you have quality spinners in the opposition, they can trouble you. And they have troubled India,” Shastri added.Rohit Sharma last played a domestic match in 2016, and Virat Kohli has not played since 2012. Both players averaged below 25 in Test cricket in 2024, with Rohit ending the year in disastrous form, scoring only 31 runs in five innings against Australia. Kohli had an inconsistent year throughout.Perhaps by going back to domestic cricket and taking the advice of Shastri, Kohli and Rohit may regain their mojo and prove themselves again in the international circuit.