Narayanpur: Two Border Security Force (BSF) jawans sustained injuries after Naxals set off an improvised explosive device (IED) in Chhattisgarh’s Narayanpur district on Friday, police said. The incident happened when in the morning when a BSF road-opening party was being deployed up between Camp Garpa and Garpa village, added the police official. The incident has been confirmed by Narayanpur SP Prabhat Kumar and detailed information will be shared by the officials later in the day. On Thursday, two CRPF jawans were injured in a pressure IED blast planted by Naxalites near Putkel village under the Basaguda police station in Bijapur district on Thursday morning. The injured jawans were evacuated and are now in a condition is stable, the police added. The blast comes amid the security forces intensifying anti-Naxal operations in Bijapur. On January 12, five Naxalites including two women were killed in an encounter with security forces in Bijapur. Several automatic and other weapons and explosives were recovered from the forests under the National Park area of the Bijapur district. The recovered weapons included one SLR rifle, one 12-bore rifle, two single-shot rifles, one BGL launcher, and one locally made Bharmar gun, along with explosives, Maoist literature, and other Naxal materials. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai saluted the courage of the security forces after the encounter. Speaking to ANI, Sai had said, “We salute the courage of our security forces. Our security forces have been fighting strongly against Naxalism for the last year and have also been succeeding which has been praised by everyone. Our Prime Minister is working on ending Naxalism by 2026 and his mission will definitely be achieved.” Earlier on January 11, a CRPF jawan was injured as an IED laid down by the Naxalites exploded in Bijapur. This happened after a team of CRPF from 196 Battalion Mahadev Ghat left for the forest to carry out area domination in the morning.