Nayagarh: A girl student turned critical after allegedly jumping off the hostel rooftop in Nayagarh district of Odisha on Saturday. The incident took place in the Prajamandal Mahila Degree Mahavidyalaya.The student has been identified as a +2 second year student of the college.As per reports, the student was worried for the last three days for reasons unknown. Her friends and classmates were in their respective rooms in the morning when she allegedly jumped off the hostel rooftop. Hearing the noise, the students and teachers in the ground floor rushed near her and rushed her to the hospital.She has been admitted to the Nayagarh district Headquarter hospital in a critical condition.Reportedly, the girl has sustained critical injuries in her legs and face.It has also been learnt that she was holding a note when she jumped. The letter has her parents’ phone number.The town police have seized the blood-soaked letter and are investigating the case.