Jajpur: The people in Dharmasala area in Jajpur district of Odisha got terrified after a wild elephant entered human habitat yesterday. Of course, although wild, the tusker did not hamper anyone. The Forest department officials faced much difficulty to handle the huge animal. The elephant roamed in streets, markets and on the Highway. Such a scene was seen today in Dharmashala and Jarka Bazaar areas of Jajpur district. The elephant was seen roaming in Jajpur town area last night, but this morning it crossed the Brahmani River through Kuakhia area and entered Dharmashala area. Thousands of people gathered to see the wild elephant. For some time, the elephant also walked on the National Highway 16. Accordingly, the NH got closed for vehicular traffic for some time. MThe forest department staff and police had to take much pain to drive the elephant away. They warned people over loudspeaker about the elephant. In addition, firecrackers were burst to divert the huge animal towards the jungle. At this time, the elephant entered the Shanti Bazaar and broke a person’s wall. Meanwhile, the elephant, being peaceful and not violent, did not harm anyone. Efforts are being made to drive the elephant away, said the forest ranger of the Bairi forest department.