Kaushambi: There was a fire in a school bus in Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh. A school bus on its way to drop children home suddenly caught fire. According to reports, there were at least 40 children in the bus. Seeing the smoke, the driver immediately stopped the bus and took the children out. The bus conductor and the locals rescued the children safely. After a long time, the fire in the bus was brought under control. However, the locals said that the children’s lives were saved due to the presence of mind of the bus driver and conductor. The incident took place in the Kotwali area of Majanpur, Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh. The children were returning home from a public school in the bus from Majhanpur when such an incident occurred. Seeing smoke in the bus, the bus driver stopped the vehicle. After this, the 40 children in the bus were safely taken out with the help of locals. After a long time, the fire in the bus was brought under control.