Bhubaneswar: Minister of Housing and Urban Development Krushnachandra Mohapatra informed that a total 19 Mo Bus accidents happened from June 2024 till date. In response to a question raised by Cuttack MLA Sofia Firdous, the Minister gave a written reply. Cuttack MLA Sofia Firdous raised a written question in the Assembly on the number and location wise details of Mo Bus accidents from June 2024 onwards. She also enquired about the measures taken to reduce the accidents and the action against the drivers. The question was the number and location-wise details of Mo Bus accidents from June 2024 till date. She further asked whether speed control systems and safety mechanisms are installed in the buses. She enquired about the measures taken to assess and improve driver skills and details about the compensation provided and action taken against those responsible for accidents causing loss of life and property? Minister Housing and Urban Development informed that “speed governors are installed in each and every bus along with fire extinguisher, cameras, emergency exit, first-aid kits etc. as part of the safety mechanism.”
Measures taken to assess and improve driver skill to reduce Mo Bus accidents:-
- Drivers are sent on regular basis to Driving Training Institutes (DTI) of State Transport Authority for skill enhancement & assessment purpose. • To control and assess Captains against drunken driving, surprise. breath analyser test is conducted twice a day apart from out- sheding and in-sheding of buses since November 2024.
- Checking are being done to ensure Bus Captains follow proper traffic rules, picking up passengers at designated stoppages.
- Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) is being implemented in the buses operated by CRUT to control accidents/incidents.
- 8 nos. of Captains have been terminated found responsible for accidents.
About the compensation he informed that a total of Rs 3,05,000/- compensation has been provided to the victims of the two fatal accidents in the month of February 2025. Further, claim against major and fatal accidents is provisioned through the comprehensive insurance policy by the bus operators.