From Barren to Bountiful: Farmer Bharat Reddy’s Journey to Success with TSF’s Support

Transforming Wastelands into Orchard Havens

Berhampur, May 30, 2024: In the village of Bipilingi of Chhatrapur in Ganjam district, Bharat Reddy’s
journey from barren land to flourishing orchard is a testament to perseverance. What began as a challenging
endeavour for Reddy has now blossomed into a thriving guava and citrus farm, thanks to the collaboration
with Tata Steel Foundation (TSF).
Initially working with desolate plots, Reddy's dream of a fruit orchard seemed distant. However, with TSF’s
assistance, he has successfully planted 1,100 guava trees and 150 citrus trees, transforming his one and half
acre land to a bountiful orchard. Through comprehensive training and bio-agricultural inputs provided by
TSF, Reddy has reaped over three quintals of guavas this year alone.
Reddy shares his excitement about the fruitful harvest, highlighting that selling the produce at Rs 70 per kg in
the local market has significantly boosted his family's income. He has earned Rs 22,000 additional income
from guava sell only and is now waiting for the citrus harvest. This remarkable achievement is further
underscored by the variety of guava he cultivates—Taiwan Pink—known for its resilience and rapid
productivity, maturing in just 11 months.
The success of Reddy’s orchard symbolizes more than just agricultural yield; it represents sustainable growth
and enduring prosperity. TSF’s initiatives in wasteland development have rejuvenated barren landscapes into
productive orchards, empowering local farmers with long-term benefits. This holistic approach is not merely
about immediate profits but about fostering a sustainable and thriving agricultural community.
Through innovative projects and steadfast support, Tata Steel Foundation continues to transform the
agricultural landscape, ensuring lasting prosperity for farmers in the region.

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