Rudraksha Foundation artists performed “Nabadurga” in Baliyatra Cuttack Utsav 2024

Odishi Artists of ‘Rudraksha’ Foundation, a leading dance institute of Bhubaneswar, performed OdissiDance “Nabadurga” on November 22, Friday at GanakaviVaishnabaPaniMancha on the occasion of the famous ‘Balijatra Cuttack Utsav-2024, under Guru Sri Bichitrananda Swain. Artists Santosh Ram, ManasRanjanSahu,LopamudraSahu, Anjali Das, AvipsaBiswal, Sudeepa Rout and Saishreya Rout performed the dance.

        The synopsis of this performance is like this: praising BhagabatiDurga, MaharshiVasya says,“oh mother, thou art blissful to your devotee.You have killed Sumbha and Nisumbha.Your eyes are enrolled in moon and sun. Your lips sparkle like fire and you killed demon Mahisha. Thus you protected your devotees from oppression; you are the source of salvation. Oh Mother, you bless me with health and vigour and free mefromworldlybondage.Youfulfilallmydesiresandgrantmyprayerstoattain siddhi that is perfection”.

        This dance was originally Choreographed by LatePadmashreeGuruSriPankajCharanDas and music Composition by  Late Sri Harihar Panda.

        The artistes were felicitated by the Balijatra Cultural Committee and also The Rudraksha Foundation members expressed their gratitude to the Balijatracommittee for providing an opportunity to young artists to perform Odissi dance on such a large cultural platform like Balijatra. 

            It is to be mention here that Rudrakshya Foundation Established in the year of 2000 by Guru Sri BichitranandaSwain,hasmanifesteditselfasoneofthe finest centre for culture and arts not only in Odishabut across pan India.

          Many studentsofRudrakshya’shaveperformedalloverIndiaandondifferentpartsofAmerican,Asian and European countries and has gathered appreciation for their excellence.


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