New Delhi: The Lok Sabha on Wednesday was adjourned for the day amid a huge ruckus over the opposition’s demand to discuss various issues, including the Adani indictment. Meanwhile, Rajya Sabha was also adjourned for the day.Earlier, the lower house was adjourned till 12:00 in the afternoon on the second day of the winter session of Parliament. After Union Minister Jitendra Singh’s motion was passed, sitting in the chair, BJP MP Dilip Saikia announced that the lower house has been adjourned for the day till November 28 at 11:00 AM.This comes after the opposition MPs gave notices to move an adjournment motion in both the lower and upper houses to discuss issues related to Manipur, the Adani indictment and the ongoing violence in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal.Earlier, Congress MPs Manickam Tagore and Manish Tewari moved for an adjournment motion in Lok Sabha before the commencement of the session today.In a notice addressed to the Secretary-General Lok Sabha today, Congress MP Manickam Tagore said, “I hereby give notice of my intention to ask for leave to move a motion for the adjournment of the business of the house to discuss a definite matter of urgent importance.”Congress MP Manish Tewari also gave an adjournment motion notice in Lok Sabha and demanded discussion on the “Impact on India as a business destination and the robustness of our regulatory and oversight processes, following two indictments in the United States against the Adani conglomerate.” There was ruckus in the house following which, the Lok Sabha was adjourned.Congress MP Hibi Eden moved an adjournment motion notice in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday demanding a discussion on the ‘deteriorating condition’ in Manipur. In his notice, Hibi Eden urged the government to “take accountability and implement immediate measures to restore peace and justice.”In Rajya Sabha, Congress MP Randeep Singh Surjewala also issued a notice on the same subject and said, “I hereby give notice under Rule 267 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) to move the following motion for the suspension of business listed for November 27, 2024. That this House suspends all scheduled business to discuss the serious revelations in a US court indictment alleging that the Adani Group engaged in bribery of state officials to secure power supply agreements through SECl tenders.” The first session of the winter Parliament commenced on November 25, with both Houses getting adjourned fairly early due to disruptions. The winter session will go on till December 20.
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