Bhubaneswar: The consumers in Odisha are yet again distressed by the recent potato price hike of Rs 10 per kilogram. For one packet of potato Rs 400 has hiked in the price of potato on Monday. The price of one packet of potato now stands at Rs 1200.This has become a reason of rising distress among the potato consumers. Earlier, the retail shopkeepers sold potato at Rs 30 per kilogram. After the recent price surge in potato at Rs 400 per packet, they are forced to sell potato at a retail price of Rs 40 to Rs 45. One packet of potato carries around 48 kilograms of potato. Earlier one packet of potato was sold at Rs 800 but now it has hiked to Rs 1200.After the general elections in Odisha, the potato price hiked to Rs 50 to Rs 60 per kilogram. To bring the situation under control potato was imported from Uttar Pradesh. Despite the imports from Uttar Pradesh, the situation could not be controlled. Now Odisha is importing potatoes from both Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Although there is no shortage in the supply of potato, the price hike is due to the transportation costs from these places.
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