Mr. perfectionist Aamir Khan is all set to make a comeback to the silver screen with his forthcoming film, Sitaare Zameen Par. Fans simply can’t stop grooving. Recently, the Bollywood superstar announced some interesting details about the film while celebrating Republic Day at an event in Vadodara. Interestingly, the climax of the film was shot in Vadodara, which has a special connection with Aamir Khan. He fondly recalled his childhood memories of visiting Gujarat, where many of his father’s films were shot. “When I was young, many of my father’s films were shot in Gujarat.”.I was very small at that time, so I would come here. Today, all those memories have come rushing back,” he shared. Sitaare Zameen Par is a sequel of the popular film Taare Zameen Par, in which Aamir Khan and Darsheel Safary were cast.According to him, it is going to be an entertaining movie. The shooting has already begun, says Aamir Khan, and he will release it at the end of this year, around Christmas time. Everybody awaits Aamir Khan after he returned from a long movie, especially when Laal Singh Chaddha became his latest movie. One may say the coming film of his, Sitaare Zameen Par is a movie by which actor’s career seems to return.
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