The makers of her 2005 film Chandramukhi have served Nayanthara with another legal notice, this time seeking Rs 5 crore in damages for using a few seconds of clips from the movie in her Netflix documentary, Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale. The documentary explores the actress’s career and personal life and features clips from several of her films, including Chandramukhi, which starred Rajinikanth and Jyotika.This follows almost two months since Nayanthara received a legal notice from Dhanush who alleged that she used a three-second behind-the-scenes clip of the 2014 film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan without his consent. Nayanthara had responded to the notice by criticizing Dhanush and claiming that she would respond to the notice through law.Interestingly, Nayanthara had already published a list of people who had supported her and cleared the necessary NOCs for using clips from their movies in the documentary.The list includes names like Shah Rukh Khan, Chiranjeevi, and Ramkumar Ganesan, who produced Chandramukhi under his banner Sivaji Productions. Now, how Nayanthara would react to this latest legal notice remains to be seen.The beginning of her career took place with Malayalam movie Manassinakkare in the year 2003. Many others include Vismayathumbathu, Natturajavu, Ayya, etc. Nayanthara recently even starred in her comeback movies. The recently published Netflix documentary features the star from various facets – the career return, latest movie Jawan and all of them are showcased well in it.