Muslim girl donated 11,000 rupees for Ram Mandir

Kashi, 19/1 (AO Bureau): How keen the country is about the Ram temple can be gauged from the fact that a donation of 3 crores has been deposited for the construction of the Ram Mandir in Kashi. The Muslims of Ayodhya is also taking part in this campaign. As a step to promote the secularism and syncretism of this holy city, Iqra Anwar Khan has donated 11 thousand rupees under the construction of the Ram temple. The most important thing is that the Muslim girl has got a permanent tattoo of the name of ‘Sri Ram’ on her hand.

Iqra is a student of Anwar Khan Law. At the same time, during the Bhoomi Pujan for Ram temple, a permanent tattoo of the name ‘Shri Ram’ is also made on his palm. And today he has donated 11 thousand rupees for the construction of the temple. Iqra Anwar says that Rama is our ancestor and we should build this temple together. He said that these politicians only do the work of dividing religion, we should not divide it. We should give respect to every religion and due to this respect and devotion, I have contributed 11 thousand rupees to the construction of Shri Ram temple. Iqra Anwar Khan further says that the Ram temple will be built in a grand manner in full and I will go there to see Shri Ram.

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