Transforming Kalinganagar: Building healthier and resilient communities by combating Non-Communicable Diseases


Transforming Kalinganagar: Building healthier and resilient communities by
combating Non-Communicable Diseases
Kalinganagar, September 20, 2024 – In an effort to enable meaningful linkages
between communities, holistic medical care and government health systems, and
prioritise health seeking behaviour amongst the rural and tribal communities of Odisha,
Tata Steel Foundation’s NCD Control Program has made significant strides in
identifying and combating various fatal Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) within the
communities of Danagadi and Sukinda blocks of Odisha. The aim of the concerted
efforts is to identify and manage cases of Hypertension, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, and
Oral Cancer over the next four years, across the entire population of the two blocks that
crosses over 2.9 lakh individuals.
In that measure, during the first year (FY 2023-24) of programme implementation, the
initiative managed to reach out to around 25 per cent of the eligible population aged 30
and above, through extensive community-based screenings in rural and remote villages
of the blocks. The door-to-door screenings of 28,867 individuals revealed that 8 per
cent were already diagnosed with hypertension and 6 per cent were suffering with
diabetes- providing key evidence that aligns with the long-term plan of the Foundation.
Additionally, the screening of individuals from the two blocks of Odisha led to the
identification of suspects i.e., 2 per cent getting marked as susceptible to hypertension
and 3 per cent to diabetes and were promptly linked to relevant government health
facilities for further diagnosis and treatment.
“It was after learning about how to conduct breast self-examination that one day, I
noticed the swelling that had developed on my left breast and on further counselling
visited the doctor at the government hospital seeking medical help. Although it did not
turn out to be a tumour, but I am glad that I knew of the symptoms and got myself duly
checked.” says Nandini, a 30-year-old community member of the Bajrapalli village of
Salinjanga panchayat, in Odisha who overcame her hesitance and sought medical
recourse for Breast Cancer.
The initiative also takes into consideration diseases that, if left unchecked, undermines
women’s health and livelihood by spreading awareness about Breast Cancer amongst
women from rural communities. Breast cancer being common cancer world-wide. In the
past year, around 12,231 women (aged 18 and above) of the Danagadi and Sukinda
blocks were inducted in various awareness building sessions and received hands-on
training on Self Breast Examination, with the purpose to detect breast changes early
and make necessary follow-ups, thereby enabling them to nip the horror of Breast
Cancer in the bud. Meanwhile, all identified suspects of other various NCDs were
promptly connected with government healthcare services for early diagnosis and

treatment. These preventive efforts undertaken by communities not only usher in a
health seeking behaviour amidst individuals but also lays a foundational step in
preparing the communities against chronic kidney disease (CKD), which finds high
prevalence in the region.
“Women from rural and tribal communities often harbour reservations and orthodox
beliefs that prevent them from learning about Breast Cancer or seeking relevant
medical help. It takes a great deal of persuasion and following up to instill that health-
seeking behaviour within the communities,” says Dr. Neelima Tirkey, Lead, Public
Health, Tata Steel Foundation. “Moreover, our objective through the NCD Control
Program is to identify all suspect cases of Hypertension, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, and
Oral Cancer in Danagadi and Sukinda blocks, by creating meaningful linkages to
government healthcare systems, ensuring early diagnosis and prompt treatment
(EDPT) with an overall purpose to delay complications and premature mortality.” she
Therefore, by emphasizing upon community involvement and engagement, the
programme aims to empower citizens to take charge of their own health- with a vision to
detect a greater number of NCD suspects early, facilitate and monitor their treatment,
while eventually aiming to bring down the number of NCD cases in the area- creating a
healthier and more resilient future for the people of Danagadi and Sukinda.

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