Noida: A man was arrested on Tuesday, for allegedly posting a “provocative” and “misleading” video on X, targeting UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The Gautam Budh Nagar police arrested him.He was identified as Sheikh Ataul (40). He belongs to Malda, West Bengal but was apprehended near Sector 37 bus stand in Noida.He was found to possess a .315 bore country made pistol, knife, mobile phone and objectionable photographs.On December 16 police had lodged a complaint after a video clip went viral on X. The video had false claims about Yogi Adityanath allegedly “destroying mosques”. This was intended to disrupt the communal harmony and create tension between religions.He deliberately posted inflammatory and false content on social media, to create anguish in the minds of people against the national leader, said Manish Mishra, additional deputy commissioner of Police.Police said that Ataul has no prior criminal record. Further investigations will reveal whether he is part of a larger network, said police.“The accused has been booked in two cases—under Sections 55 (abetment of offence), 152 (acts endangering sovereignty unity and integrity of India), 196 (promoting enmity between different groups), 353(2) (statements conducive to public mischief), among others and relevant section of IT Act,” said Mishra.
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