Sundargarh/Cuttack : In a gruesome incident, a bomb was hurled on an elephant in Karua Bahal forest range in Sundargarh district.In the incident, the explosion has severely injured the trunk of the elephant. Following the bomb hurling on the elephant, it was seen lying in pain in the forest. The forest department reached the spot after receiving news. The forest officials are suspecting that the bomb was exploded around 7 to 8 days ago. However, the treatment was not done.On the other hand, another elephant was found dead in Rangadaba village in Panchagochia under Narasingpur east forest range in Cuttack district. Under circumstances, the elephant died is yet to be known. Forest department will investigate the matter. The villagers said the forest guards are not present for monitoring.In 2020, in a similar incident, some miscreants in Kerala killed a pregnant elephant by hiding fire crackers in bananas and making the elephant eat it.
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