Idukki: In a tragic incident, a bus fell into a gorge in Kerala. A KSRTC bus fell into a deep gorge in the district headquarters of Idukki in Kerala. Four passengers died on the spot as the passenger bus fell into a gorge. Many people were injured in the accident. According to reports, there were 34 passengers and three staff members on the bus. All the passengers were residents of Mavelikkara area. The bus was returning to Mavelikkara after touring Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The accident took place at around 6:15 am on Monday. The bus lost control on a bend and fell into a 30-feet deep gorge. Rescue teams reached the spot after the accident and carried out rescue operations. According to police information, a government bus fell into a gorge on Monday morning. Four people, including a woman, died in the accident. Many passengers were injured. The bus was returning to Mavelikkara in Alappuzha district at this time, it suddenly lost control. The bodies have been sent to a private hospital in Mundakayam. The bodies will be handed over to the families after post-mortem. Police officials said that police and fire brigade personnel have reached the spot for rescue operations. Similarly, four people were killed in an accident in Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir yesterday. A vehicle lost control and fell into a river in the Paddar area of Kishtwar. The vehicle went out of control and fell into a deep gorge. There were six people in it. Four of them died while two others were missing.