Mrs Vidya Krishnan, Chief General Manager of SBI visited the RBO, Jajpur Road and inaugurated a new Branch at Jindal Campus. A mega SHG Mela also organised on this occasion at Jajpur Road. In the mela, 163 new SHG loans amounting to Rs3.30 Crore and 165nos of renewal proposal amounting to Rs1.80 Croredisbursed to group members. A total of Rs5.10 Crore was sanction and disbursed on this meeting. The Collector of Jajpur District, Shri Chakravati Singh Rathore was present on the occasion and emphasised on more number of such melas to make the rural women self-reliant. Besides CGM Mrs Krishnan, Shri Abhaya Kishore Pandey, GM-I, Shri KundanJyoti, DGM (B&O)and other SBI officials were present on the Mela.
Similarly, State Bank of India,Bhubaneswar Circle, also donated a 3.75 KW Solar panel lighting systemto NATURAL INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL WELFARE (NISW).
NISW, an NGO runs a Child Care Home for orphaned children and a SwadharGreh for distressed women at Kusunpur, Jajpur Road. Established during 1993, presently NISW has 36childrenin Child Care Home and 22 women and 14 children in its SwadharGreh.
On the behalf of SBI, Bhubaneswar CircleMrs Vidya Krishnan, Chief General Manager, whowas present in the occasion, handed over the Solar Panel to the Office bearers of the NISW and praised their activities.She also said that SBI encourages such noble initiatives and will continue to do so in future. Shri Pabitra Mohan Sahoo, Director of NISW thanks SBI and itsemployees for the generous gesture. Shri Prabir Kumar Sahoo,Regional Manager conducted all the programmes.